December 8, 2017
Important Reminder!
Just a ‘heads up’! Tracy has received numerous year round reports from camps. Many thanks to those who have submitted their forms.
He is hoping the rest of the camps can email their reports by the end of the year (or early January). These numbers help substantiate the value of camp ministry in throughout the NAD. Tracy will be making a report at the NAD administrator meetings early in the year and is hoping to include the information from all of the camps.
Please ignore the deadline date on the form. That will begin next year. Please note that the time period for this report begins immediately after summer camp in 2016 through the end of the summer camp session this year. THIS REPORT DOES NOT INCLUDE SUMMER CAMP NUMBERS. And be sure to collect and keep the information from this fall and winter, too, for next year's report.
Thanks for taking a moment to complete your form.